Oh how excited I was when I found out that Harper was on her way and I would get to photograph her newborn session. You see, about 3 years ago now I photographed Harper’s big sister for her newborn and first year pictures. She was so stinking cute with her chubby cheeks and her pursed lips.
Harper looks so much like her older sister yet she has her own little differences. Little Harper is doesn’t have the same chubby cheeks her older sister had. Harper had the most perfect skin, little baby lips and I adore her little head full of hair. She did so good during her newborn session. I was able to get Harper into different baby wraps and such pretty easily and she quickly fell back asleep.
Why do we do newborn photos when baby is asleep?
Newborn photos are really the only set of photos that we do when the baby is asleep. You see, newborns have a difficult time focusing their eyes and often when they are awake they will be a little cross eyed trying to focus. Also, newborns are able to be posed, changed and moved around much easier when they are asleep. Not to mention, newborn babies really do spend the majority of their day sleeping. So, why not capture them how they are the majority of the day.
All too quickly babies grow up and change. They get big so so fast. I love that I am able to document them at this age in all their sleeping angelic moments. Even another month or so and babies just don’t look so newborn anymore.
Well, regardless, I’m so thrilled I was able to photograph Harper’s newborn photos. I’m beyond excited to watch her grow and change through my camera lens this year as well.
Would you like to book your own newborn session? Reach out to me HERE and get on the books early in your pregnancy if possible!